We save scrap paper. All scrap paper
It's long past the days when paper is rare and you need to save all you can.
Still, we like to reuse and recycle.
Exhibit A.
We keep the backs of shipping invoices, junk mail advertisements, and even the annual blood work results my doctor sends out.
Don't get nervous that you'll soon have to dig us out of a pile with a backhoe. We use it rapidly.
Rapid Draw is a fast game that gives your friends and family a few minutes to connect and laugh together.
Because laughing together is important.
We've played it with a range of people aged 5-80. There's no limit to the size of the group. We've played with great artists and lousy artists and an aunt with a broken dominant hand! We keep it low stress. And that leaves lots of opportunities for silliness and laughs.
Moreover, there is incredible value in learning to express yourself with art. This is a simple way to put that into perspective. I don’t mind saying that didn’t come naturally to me at first, but I’ve had fun learning and growing right along with my kids.
How to play

4 identical shapes per page. Each person imagines what the shape could be a part of and draws it as quickly as possible. Compare pictures.
Supplies: Paper, Two markers of different colors or a marker and a pen, Timer (optional)
- Fold a piece of paper in quarters. One for each player for every round.
- Draw the same shape in the middle of all 4 quadrants.
- Choose a topic. (Some we’ve used: Bible story, something you're thankful for, Christmas theme, nature study, anything goes)
- Set a timer for 1 minute and use the shape to draw anything that comes to mind.
- Go around the circle and share your drawings.
- Smile and laugh together.
- Optional scoring: 1 point for each square you drew (4 possible), -1 for anything someone else drew, too!
Sometimes I keep a stack of papers with the shape drawn ready for those rare free minutes. Sometimes I just have a stack of blank folded papers.

Shapes we’ve used: circle, oval, tear drop, square, rectangle (Be sure everyone draws in the same direction.), right triangle, equilateral triangle, parallelogram (Also, be sure to agree on a direction.)

Sad disclaimer: We learned about this game because someone gave us one with 4 dry erase boards that was more environmentally friendly. When our family grew over 4, I passed the game on and switched to paper. I would give credit to the company who originally invented the game, but can’t find information online. If you see it somewhere, please share details.

Want more: Author, Mo Willems uses a similar idea of drawing with numbers as the base.