I’ve wanted an address stamp for years and years! Like 10. Since we bought our house.
There was a window when we suspected Paul's work might move us any minute, and it didn’t seem worth it then.
But this year. . . Could it be my early Christmas present so I can have it in time for Christmas cards? (Yes, those still go out because I’m very old-fashioned about Christmas.)
My husband said, “Yes, you can! Call Jerrod.”
We had an amazing trip to Greece last year where our children drew history and architecture on site with Jerrod Partridge. That’s a whole new form of experiencing education, a rare opportunity we treasure and remember fondly.

So, it was extra special for us to ask him to draw our house from a photo for our return address stamp. I have to say, I've never thought the front of our house was particularly beautiful. We bought it to be in the neightborhood and because we were having another kid! But Jerrod made me proud of our space.
Jerrod leaves the last name off the return address just in case you do sell your house. Then, you can present it to the buyers as a little house warming gift. You can request the name to be on, though.
Turn around time was only two weeks. The stamp was supposed to arrive in two weeks for a total of 3 weeks (one week to draw and approve design) turn around, but it arrived an entire week early!
Look for it on your Christmas card.
Meanwhile, order one of your own!