Hello everyone! Today I am sharing my three favorite art related books with you. Plus a bonus book review.

These books have inspired me to become a better artist and have wonderful insights on how to do so. 

Ok, first up, Draw Your Day by Samantha Dion Baker.

Why I picked up this book:

I first learned about Samantha and her books from the TPK blog. Most of the time, if it's a TPK recommendation, chances are, it’s a really good book. You can check out the post here

Why you will love this book:

Samantha is an incredible artist, and her daily sketch journal pages have inspired me and many others to start our own sketch journals. 

In the course of this book, she covers everything from why a drawing practice is important to ideas on what to draw. 

This book has taught me that you can draw anything and everything and there is no limit to what you can draw. That has actually been a wonderful challenge for me, getting me out of my comfort zone when drawing. 

All of the pages in this book are graced with at least one of Samantha’s beautiful drawings, either that, or she has inserted a page from her journal which I also love to see.

In the back of the book, she provides resources for her favorite art supplies which is super helpful if you have no idea what supplies to buy.

I also love the pages in her books where she lists things that you can draw on ordinary days. Like your coffee mug, the mail you received that day, or the animals you encounter.

Next, Draw Your World also by Samantha Dion Baker

Why I picked up this book:

This is Samantha’s second book, so when I read Draw Your Day I had to read this one too! 

I definitely recommend acquiring both books since there are so many wonderful gems in both that I have applied to my sketch journals. 

Why you will love this book:

Draw Your World leans a bit more on the out and about bits of journaling. Like travel journaling, urban sketching, and plein air painting. It also contains some more advanced drawing techniques. 

Don’t get me wrong though, this is totally an awesome book for beginners. Samantha is an awesome teacher and explains things so well.

Another thing that’s different in Draw Your World is there are drawing challenges throughout the book. 

One of my favorite sections in this book is the travel journal section. If you read this post, you know I am all about travel journaling. I love that she gives lots of little ideas to make up a whole spread in your travel journal. I’m still perfecting my travel journal routine, but I have definitely added her exercises to my repertoire. 

She talks about composing your pages and different layouts to experiment with. 

More resources:

Check out Samantha’s website and shop here.

Buy her books here.

Bonus link: Check out these posts from TPK on sketch journaling.

The 30 Day Sketchbook Project by Minnie Small

Why I picked up this book:

I’d had my eye on it for a while, (I can’t remember how I discovered it,) but I’m so glad I finally bought it!

Why you will love this book:

This book is so fun to work through again and again! Minnie did an awesome job of incorporating almost every kind of art you can do in a sketchbook into this book. It has been really fascinating for me to be able to see all the different areas of art. 

I have also become interested in collaging in my sketchbook because of this book. When I came to that day, I almost skipped it because I thought I had no interest in using collage. Turns out, I’m so glad I did use that prompt! I incorporate collage into my sketchbook all the time now! 

This book is an awesome gift for any artist in your life. I gave it to my Aunt for a holiday, and she started working through it right away! 

More resources:

Find Minnie’s website here.

And buy her book here.

Drumroll please… time for the BONUS review!

The Art of The Travel Journal by Abbey Sy

Why I picked up this book:

I have already mentioned my love for travel journaling, so when I discovered this book I had to have it! 

Why you will love this book:

I love how Abbey mixes all the main types of journaling into her own style of journaling. 

In the first section of her book she goes over the history of travel journaling and the benefits of travel journaling. 

Throughout the book there are pages where she gives a lesson on how to make or draw various things. 

And if her book isn’t enough inspiration, there is a section in the back of the book where some of  her favorite artists share their journal pages, favorite supplies, and cities. 

Although I have done a lot of research and I knew most of the things in this book, I did enjoy seeing some of Abbey’s ideas. That being said, this is an awesome start for anyone wanting to begin a travel journal.

More resources:

Check out Abbey’s website here.

And buy her books here.

Also, here’s a podcast with Abbey where she talked about how she got into journaling and she talks more about this book.

Now, I’m going to go draw something and I encourage you to do so as well!

Happy making!